The Curious General Unlocking Medical Insights: Dr. Dennis Doan’s Participation in Multicenter Trials

Unlocking Medical Insights: Dr. Dennis Doan’s Participation in Multicenter Trials

In the realm of medical research, the collective pursuit of knowledge is often synonymous with multicenter trials. These expansive studies, which span multiple research centers, hold the key to uncovering vital insights into the effectiveness of various treatments. Dr Dennis Doan, a prominent figure in the medical field, has actively participated in several multicenter trials, reaffirming his dedication to advancing healthcare.

The Significance of Multicenter Trials

Multicenter trials serve as a cornerstone in medical research. Their primary objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatments or compare the impact of a treatment against a placebo. What sets these trials apart is their extensive reach, involving numerous research centers. This broad scope offers several benefits, including enhanced reliability of research outcomes and the ability to scrutinize the same disease within diverse locations and populations simultaneously.

Dr. Dennis Doan: A Multicenter Trials Enthusiast

Dr Dennis Doan extensive experience in the medical field extends to his active participation in various multicenter trials. Here are some of the notable multicenter trials in which he has played a significant role:

CANOPY (Cartotid Artery Stenting Outcome in the Standard Risk Population for Carotid Endarterectomy): Serving as a sub-primary investigator, Dr. Doan contributed to this trial’s exploration of carotid artery stenting outcomes in standard-risk populations.

ODYSSEY (A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Parallel-Group Study to Evaluate the Effect of Alirocumab on the Occurrence of Cardiovascular Events in Patients Who Have Recently Experienced an Acute Coronary Syndrome): As a sub-primary investigator, Dr. Doan participated in the study assessing the impact of Alirocumab on cardiovascular events in patients with recent acute coronary syndrome.

SUPERNOVA (Stenting of the Superficial Femoral and Proximal Popliteal Arteries with the Boston Scientific INNOVA™ Self-Expanding Bare Metal Stent System): Dr. Doan was instrumental as a sub-primary investigator in investigating the stenting of superficial femoral and proximal popliteal arteries using the Boston Scientific INNOVA™ stent system.

TAO (Randomized, Double-Blind, Triple-Dummy Trial to Compare the Efficacy of Otamixaban (XRP0673) with Unfractionated Heparin + Eptifibatide, in Patients with Unstable Angina/Non-St Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Scheduled to Undergo an Early Invasive Strategy): Dr. Doan’s contributions as a sub-primary investigator were pivotal in assessing the efficacy of Otamixaban in patients with unstable angina and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.

EASE (Endovascular Atherectomy Safety and Effectiveness): In this prospective, multicenter, single-arm study evaluating the Phoenix atherectomy system in treating lower extremity artery lesions, Dr. Doan excelled as a sub-primary investigator in the United States and Germany.

IMPROVE-IT (A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized Study to Establish the Clinical Benefit and Safety of Vytorin): Dr Dennis Doan role as a sub-primary investigator significantly contributed to this study’s quest to establish the clinical benefit and safety of Vytorin in high-risk subjects with acute coronary syndrome.

PLATO (A randomized clinical trial investigating the effect of ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome): Dr. Doan’s involvement as a sub-primary investigator in this trial played a pivotal role in scrutinizing the impact of ticagrelor versus clopidogrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome.

Trust in Experience

The value of experience in the medical field cannot be understated. With each study and trial, a doctor like Dr. Dennis Doan hones their expertise, enabling them to better comprehend their patients’ issues and identify the most effective solutions. Multicenter trials not only advance medical knowledge but also foster trust in the competence and commitment of medical professionals like Dr. Doan.

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